Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Postal Service edges toward cutting Saturday delivery

No matter how the weather is outside, the U.S. Postal Service is delivering Monday through Saturdays. The least amount of deliveries take place on Saturdays with 1/3 of the businesses closed. They are talking about stopping Saturday deliveries because more people are using e-mail and because of the recession. On Monday, March 29, 2010, the U.S. postal service announced they will stop Saturday deliveries the beginning half of next year. If they wouldn't cut out Saturday deliveries, they would face a $238 billion shortfall by the year 2020. They will still run express postal services and the postal offices will remain open.

I believe that this is a good idea because most people are busy anyway on Saturdays. This would save a lot of money on gas. This could also help keep costs from rising to mail a letter. The only downfall that I can see is that the Saturday morning deliverers would loose their jobs. Most of the Saturday workers aren't the normal weekday delivers, they are other people that either work only on Saturdays or use this as a second job to help pay their bills. I do believe that e-mail is becoming very popular. More and more people are using e-mail to communicate because the information gets to the people faster and cheaper than normal mail does. I know that some of my family members used e-mail to send their Christmas cards because it was cheaper than mailing them. I do believe that eventually we will not use the mail system anymore because of the cost and how long it takes for the mail to get to the people. but we will eventually do everything on line.


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