Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Wal-Mart customer: 'I can't go back in'

It was about 7 P.M. on Sunday, March 14, 2010, when a person came over the intercom at a Wal-mart in Turnersville, New Jersey. The person on the intercom said, "Attention, Wal-mart shoppers, all blacks need to leave the store." the person who said this had a males voice. Once the person announced the comment, people started to call management on their cell phones demanding answers. a few minutes later, the man returned on the intercom and apologized and contacted the police. The police are investigating this crime as "a suspected bias intimidation case." Many of the customers said that they will never go back and that they will go to target. The intercoms could be axcessed by customers and there isn't a camera by each phone.

I believe that the person on the intercom must have had a bad experience with a black customer at the store, but I don't believe that they should've went on the intercom and announced their frustration. I also don't think that the customers should be able to have access to the intercoms. I also do believe in a big store like Wal-mart, that their should be cameras by every phone and safety equipment, like a fire alarm. I believe that the guy in the intercom should be charged with some sort of descrimination charge. The people were scared out of their mind becasue he was only targeting one race. This incident won't stop me from shopping at Wal-mart, they still have the cheapest products at a good convience. This once incident doesn't change my mind of Wal-mart and I believe that they won't loose too many people because of their low prices. I do believe that the man could've been mentally handicap or had a mental disorder.

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