Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Costa Rica elects first woman president

Costa Rica elected their first woman president, Laura Chinchilla, on February 7, 2010. She is part of the National Libertarian Party. On election day, the voters were showing their support by wearing the campaign colors of the main presidential candidates. Even the children participated in this election by casting their votes electronically in a mock election. There was 2.8 million Costa Ricans eligible to vote for president. In addition to voting for president, Costa Ricans casted ballets for 2 vice presidents, 57 Congress members, and 495 council members. President Oscar Arias, has left office and has helped shape the elections in many ways. He helped them do electrical voting in which he called the electrical process transparent and trustworthy. He also said," I would like to thank the Costa Rican people for filling the streets with color."
I am glad to see that Costa Rica has voted their first woman president into office. I believe that was a good fit for their country. When I was there staying with a family, they were all excited that the United States has voted their first African American into office. They all loved Obama and they wished the United States the best of luck. I believe that the people wanted change and are ready to embrace that woman are capable to do the same political activities as men and run the country in an orderly fashion. I do believe that the United States could look at Costa Rica and how they run some of their governmental programs and learn from them. The government doesn't just give the poor people money for food, they help them use the skills that they have to make and sell items to the other Costa Ricans. I believe that this could help our government with unemployment and help our country with our debt. We could also watch and see how a woman president does in their country. I believe that if we watch another country, that the United States would learn that it is possible for us to be ran by a woman president. I believe that if Costa Rica, a third world country, is able to function and accept change, then the United States should be able to also.

1 comment:

  1. I think that it is great that other countries around the world are realizing that not just males can be in office. I am very happy that Costa Rica elected a woman for president. I hope she sets a great example of what women can do. Women are just as capable of being in office as men. I think the United States can learn a lot from Laura Chinchilla and her policies as well.
