Thursday, March 25, 2010

Reactions to passage of health care bill are passionate

More than 10,000 peopel have posted comments on about the healthcare bill. Some of them are happy about the bill and others are mad. The bill would require everyone to get healthcare or get fined. Large employee's have to provide coverage or they will risk financial penelties. One person wrote in and said that the bill isn't perfect, but it will save lives. While another person said that they will pay the $700 fine and pick up coverage only when they get sick, since insurance companies can't deny you anymore. Most people say that they aren't happy about the bill passing becasue the systems that are set up now aren't working, so why keep on the same path. People that are veterans of the military say that this is unneccisary to them becasue they already get coverage from being in the military. They don't know why they need to be forced to get a new plan when they wouldn't befefit from it.

I belive that the people should have the fight to choose their healthcare. I personaly don't want the government to make my own choices. I don't have insurance and I'm doing fine without it. I just watch my momey and spend it wisely. I don't think that everyone needs to have the same healthcare plan becasue everyone is different. The people that are veterens from the military already get paid coverage, so why do they need to be forced to buy more. I belive that this would make all the prices rise like crazy because no one would pay for the bill, the government would. I believe that the hospitals would charge as much as possible to pay their employees even more than what they already make. I belive that this would also help the gap of income levels to become bigger. I really don't want to see this bill get passed because I'm doing just fine without healthcare and I know that I couldn't afford it even when the bill passed. That would mean I would have to pay the fine.

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