Thursday, March 25, 2010

Latest high-fructose corn syrup study generates buzz, debate

There is a new study from Princeton that tests to see if corn syrup causes you to gain weight more than table sugar does. The debate about which one is better for you is false because both of these aren't good for you. The study tested rats for 6 months and they ate water sweetened with high-fructose sugar. This test showed that the rats had more belly fat and that they had higher levels of circulating triglycerides, fat's chemical form in the body. One of the problems with this study is that they tested male and female rats in separate experiments. They also tested the rats to see how they acted on this diet and how it effected their brain activity. Some scientists say that this one sweetener can't contribute to all of the diseases by itself. People just want to eat their deserts without thinking about their overall wellness.

I believe that corn-syrup is the same thing as sugar goes. I believe that they are both bad for you, but that in our society today, we can't live without eating it at every meal. We rely on all of the convenience foods that have this as a preservative in them. I believe that there is more to the diseases than to just get them from eating sugar or corn syrup. I believe genetics, exercise habits, and many other reasons come into play. I also believe that people need to be aware of what they eat. If every person would just eat more homemade meals, I believe that would help their health. They can make the meals ahead of time and just heat them up when they need them. I belive that if people have a lot of sugar, that their brain waves and energy level would have a quick jump in movement, but would decline fast and they would want to get another sugar high. Sugar high- energy boost

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