Tuesday, April 20, 2010

10-year-old's pregnancy fuels Mexican abortion debate

In Mexico City, Mexico, a 10-year-old girl was supposedly raped by her stepfather. This incident has heated up the abortion debate. The stepfather has been arrested, but he supports both sides of the issue. Abortion is legal in Mexico City, but it is prohibited or severely restricted in most of the country's provinces. The girls home state, Quintana Roo, on the Yucatan Peninsula, allows abortions in the first 90 day. She is 17 1/2 weeks along and is about one month past the legal limit. Federal Officials at the United Nations say that the officials didn't inform her about her abortion rights. The girl is in custody of state protective services and they are monitoring closely her physical and psychological status. The services reported that both the girl and the fetus are both in good condition. But officials say that continuing the pregnancy can cause both severe mental and physical health problems.Since 2007 when the abortion debate heated up, 17 states have passed a law saying, "protecting life beginning at conception."

I believe that the girl should still have a right to an abortion because of her age. I believe that she didn't choose to get pregnant at the age of 10 like some of the teenagers choose when they become pregnant. She didn't choose to have sex. She was supposedly raped and she has no way to take care of the child. This pregnancy can hurt her in many ways. Her body can have a baby, but it's not recommended. Her brain isn't fully developed and that could cause many psychological problems in the future. She also could have problems giving birth and carrying the baby to full term. She is past the legal limit of an abortion, but officials aren't sure that she was told about her abortion rights until too late because the Catholic Church plays such a big role in Mexico's society. The Catholic Church is against abortions. Even though she is past legal abortion limits, it might be beneficial to let her get an abortion because of all of the health problems that could occur. I'm glad that she has been taken away from her family and that her stepfather has been arrested. I believe that her stepfather should stay in jail for life. I would think that when he gets out, he would come and find the family and cause many more problems. I believe that the stepfather shouldn't have become part of the family. I believe it's a good thing that she's away from her mother and is getting the proper care that is needed.

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