Monday, May 31, 2010

Mom of toddler smoker in Indonesia seeks help for him
Click above link to watch the video of the boy smoking.

In Jakarta, Indonesia, there is a two-year-old boy, Aldi, that smokes. Diana, Aldi's mother, says he throws a tantrum when he wants a cigarette. Aldi is nearly twice the weight of boys his age weighing about 44 pounds. Once a video of him circulated the Internet last year, he became an instant celebrity. Smoking has become part of their culture for so long that it isn't even perceived as dangerous. Many parents will hold their baby in one hand and a cigarette in the other hand. Aldi is a victim of him environment. Aldi smokes about 40 cigarettes a day which cost his family about 4 dollars. Aldi's family wants him to quit not for his health, but for the cost of buying cigarettes. Aldi has cut down how much he smokes and both of his parents have quit.

I believe that Albi shouldn't be able to smoke. I also believe that they shouldn't laugh at Albi because it'll want him to smoke more. I believe that Indonesia should put more restrictions on smoking and that they should take Albi away from his parents. I believe that the parents should've stopped him from smoking and not allowed him to smoke. I believe that he needs to go into some sort of treatment center to stop smoking. I also think that he needs to get help with his weight. If he's already double the healthy weight at 2, then he mostly likely will stay overweight. I believe that his parents shouldn't have let him become overweight and smoke just because he throws a tantrum. All kids throw tantrums at some point in their lives. I also believe that Albi's parents should go through some sort of classes or counseling sessions to learn how to keep Albi healthy once he's out of treatment.

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