Sunday, May 9, 2010

Lebanon claims latest title in 'Hummus War'

Lebanon set a new record for the largest plate of hummus. Lebanon won the title in the continuous war of good eating against Israel. This war has been going on for years between the two countries with each country outdoing the next one of the world's best or largest hummus dish. There were 300 Lebanese chefs, gathered in the village of al-Fanar, that made the dish that weighed 11.5 tons. That turns out to be 23,042 pounds or 10,452 kg. This new weight more than doubled the old record set in January in the Arab-Israel village of Abu Gosh. The old record was more than 4 tons or the average weight of 4 cars. The Lebanese chefs used more than 8 tons of hummus, 2 tons of tahini, 2 tons of lemon juice, and 154 pounds (70kg) of olive oil. Hummus is made of chickpeas, sesame paste, garlic, and other ingredients. Hummus is a popular dish in the Middle East. Lebanon is trying to make hummus the national dish like what the Greeks dis with feta cheese. The hummus market is worth $1 billion.

I think it's cool that two different groups of people are having a "friendly war" over hummus. There hasn't been reported violence over the records. I do believe that competing for the hummus record is like competing for the largest pizza in the United States. Everyone would love to have a record, but once it has been broken, then you want it back. I believe that this little "War" will continue for a long time, if not forever. I think it would've been really cool to be at the event when the record was broken, especially since the broke the record by more than doubling it. I also think it's cool that the Arabs and Jews share the same taste in hummus. You normally only hear about all of the fighting in the Mille East and with the religions.

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